Sapo know, hmm..mungkin most of your readers've heard the name of the dish, however, not infrequently also many people who do not know about cooking tersebut.Oleh therefore on this occasion admin typical recipe will discuss about how to make sapo know that tasty and practical.
Sapo is one type of cuisine that is served when it is heated in a ceramic pot (claypot). So one characteristic of this cuisine is situated scrumptious flavor and heat remaining in claypot. To make sapo knew this was too difficult itdaklah know. Provided that you have this clypot. it is also necessary ingredients to make sapo out is also very flexible. In fact, in the treatment process, in addition to tofu (tofu china) there is not a specific reference to the type of main ingredient. Therefore, you can mix this masakkan with any material, for example squid, chicken, shrimp, seafood or perhaps for those of you who are vegetarians can add various kinds of vegetables to make a dish sapo know this to be more attractive and tempting.
Recipe makes sapo know oriental seafood is very fitting if given at no guests, because in the view, the food will look delicious and interesting. Additionally, you can also serve it as one of the daily menu to eat with your loved ones at home. Well, if you are curious to know how to make, without lingering - soon following is a recipe to make sapo know good seafood and practical
Making Materials Sapo Know Seafood
Shrimp, 1/4 kg
Squid, 1/4 kg
Ginger, 1 1/2 cm (crushed)
Garlic, 3 eggs, (thinly sliced)
Medium carrot, 1 piece, (small Cut small)
Tofu, 2 pieces, (cut into pieces)
Cornstarch, 3 dm, (mix with 2 tablespoons water in order maizenanya be dissolved)
Water 400 ml
Sawi Putih, 9 rod
Large green chilli, 1 piece
Onion, ½ part (thinly sliced
Sapo Know Seafood Seasoning:
Oyster sauce 2 packs
½ tsp salt
Sweet soy sauce to taste
Sugar 1 tsp
Sapo Know How To Make Seafood:
The first step, Gorenglah tofu until cooked (about crisp tofu whether or not you can customize to your taste), then lift the drain
The second step, saute garlic and ginger with the use of moderate amounts of fire until the smell fragrant and lightly browned onions visible, then enter the squid along with shrimp and carrots and fry for a while you keep stirring until all ingredients are well blended with herbs.
Next, enter your tofu and stir the water and stir until blended. Let stand for about 5 minutes. Then pour all ingredients seasoning and stir again and let stand until done. After that, claypots know seafood ready to be served and eaten with beloved family.
Well, so a brief review of tofu seafood recipes that can make us infokan to you. If you like the seafood tofu recipe and would like to know more recipe that is equally tasty and appetizing, you can try the following recipes
Sapo is one type of cuisine that is served when it is heated in a ceramic pot (claypot). So one characteristic of this cuisine is situated scrumptious flavor and heat remaining in claypot. To make sapo knew this was too difficult itdaklah know. Provided that you have this clypot. it is also necessary ingredients to make sapo out is also very flexible. In fact, in the treatment process, in addition to tofu (tofu china) there is not a specific reference to the type of main ingredient. Therefore, you can mix this masakkan with any material, for example squid, chicken, shrimp, seafood or perhaps for those of you who are vegetarians can add various kinds of vegetables to make a dish sapo know this to be more attractive and tempting.
Recipe makes sapo know oriental seafood is very fitting if given at no guests, because in the view, the food will look delicious and interesting. Additionally, you can also serve it as one of the daily menu to eat with your loved ones at home. Well, if you are curious to know how to make, without lingering - soon following is a recipe to make sapo know good seafood and practical
Making Materials Sapo Know Seafood
Shrimp, 1/4 kg
Squid, 1/4 kg
Ginger, 1 1/2 cm (crushed)
Garlic, 3 eggs, (thinly sliced)
Medium carrot, 1 piece, (small Cut small)
Tofu, 2 pieces, (cut into pieces)
Cornstarch, 3 dm, (mix with 2 tablespoons water in order maizenanya be dissolved)
Water 400 ml
Sawi Putih, 9 rod
Large green chilli, 1 piece
Onion, ½ part (thinly sliced
Sapo Know Seafood Seasoning:
Oyster sauce 2 packs
½ tsp salt
Sweet soy sauce to taste
Sugar 1 tsp
Sapo Know How To Make Seafood:
The first step, Gorenglah tofu until cooked (about crisp tofu whether or not you can customize to your taste), then lift the drain
The second step, saute garlic and ginger with the use of moderate amounts of fire until the smell fragrant and lightly browned onions visible, then enter the squid along with shrimp and carrots and fry for a while you keep stirring until all ingredients are well blended with herbs.
Next, enter your tofu and stir the water and stir until blended. Let stand for about 5 minutes. Then pour all ingredients seasoning and stir again and let stand until done. After that, claypots know seafood ready to be served and eaten with beloved family.
Well, so a brief review of tofu seafood recipes that can make us infokan to you. If you like the seafood tofu recipe and would like to know more recipe that is equally tasty and appetizing, you can try the following recipes
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